A collection of recipes that I will be sharing over time. Most of these are my own creations that I have been working on however I will be sure to credit any I share that aren't my own! Be sure to check out my social media pages for fun posts + reels relating to these recipes!
Sugar cookies are a staple of Christmas time for me, but really, anytime is a great time for sugar cookies... (see more)
Today is my best friends birthday! To kick off celebrating her, here's a gluten free + dairy free cookie recipe.

My family loves a chicken and rice bake. I was tired of the usual cheesy chicken and rice so we switched it up and now this is our go to!

This is a great quick & easy meal for a night where you need to get dinner on the table quickly. (see more)

I absolutely love this salad - the crisp, crunchy vegetables mixed with the asian vinaigrette is to die for. (see more)

Scones are such a quick and easy breakfast pastry (or dessert) to throw together and trick people into thinking you made a huge effort! (see more)

A classic that goes over well with my family. I serve mushrooms on the side because, well, kids... haha! (see more)
This is one of those classic comfort food dishes that reminds you of childhood. (see more)
This soup is my childhood comfort food. My mom used to make this for me and I absolutely loved it. (see more)
Who doesn't love alfredo sauce? It was my go to order growing up when eating at a restaurant (see more)
I LOVE mashed potatoes. I learned they could be done in the instant pot and my life has been forever changed.(see more)
I used to LOVE going to the Olive Garden as a kid and getting the endless soup, salad and breadsticks... so of course I needed to make my own Zuppa Toscana recipe. (see more)
This soup is my childhood comfort food. My mom used to make this for me and I absolutely loved it. (see more)
Who doesn't love alfredo sauce? It was my go to order growing up when eating at a restaurant (see more)